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Archive for the ‘Africa’ Category

June 4, 2018 12:04 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

I have backpacked in Africa enough times to get a real flavour for this enormous continent. I normally visit Africa on short trips no longer than a month – it’s a cool way to do it in my opinion. This has also meant that I haven’t visited many African countries twice (except I can count three trips to South Africa, a brace to Senegal and a brace to Morocco). Overall though, there are over 55 countries in Africa to backpack and so far I’ve hit around 15 of them so merely I have scratched the African surface. I hope there will be more to come. […]

January 23, 2018 8:51 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

Down the years as a traveller, I have enjoyed many and various train journeys all over Europe. It is hard therefore to choose my best ones, but today I thought why not compile a list of my favourite train journeys. I must have backpacked about 40 European countries in Europe alone. Some of these were to very obscure and unusual parts of Europe including Moldova’s capital Chisinau and the Belarussian city of Bobruisk. Yes I have been backpacking in Bobruisk by train. But when I had to pick my best journeys, these ones clearly came out on top. 1.Austria to Hungary Train We have all […]

November 27, 2017 5:41 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

Winter in the UK can be grim. It is cold, damp and generally no fun.  Dark early mornings, dark early evenings it can feel like you only ever see daylight when you are at work chained to your desk.  Getting away with some much-needed winter sun can really break up the long months before Spring arrives once more, so here are some of the top winter sun destinations for 2017. Valletta, Malta It won’t offer you steamy, sultry temperatures in the high 20’s during winter but Malta is still a lot more appealing than Britain.  You even find 6 hours of sunshine that is warming, […]

November 2, 2017 11:15 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

When you’re finishing high school and about to go off to college, you’re stuck in an ‘in between’. You’re not quite an adult, because you’re still heading to school every day and you’re still living at home with your parents. But you’re also not a child; you can drive, have a job and be independent most of the time. This kind of ‘in between’ can be fairly frustrating, but it also gives you the chance to choose whether you go directly to college or whether you decide to take a break from studying and go and explore. Part of choosing to have a gap year […]

October 11, 2017 3:34 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

Usually when we make our travel plans, we already know with whom we’ll be traveling. Whether it’s with a spouse, a friend, or even a colleague from work, we set off to explore our travel destinations together with someone else. There are those, however, who prefer to travel on their own. That is not something for everyone, as most of us prefer to share planning the logistics of travel. But for others, there are huge benefits in traveling solo. Before setting off on your journey, make sure to prepare for your trip carefully. While you may not necessarily plan anything more than its starting point […]

September 15, 2017 2:55 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

London is one of the most important cities in the world.   That sounds like a big claim, but it’s absolutely true. For one thing, the sheer size of London makes it a dominant city. Add into this its reputation as a financial hub, and it’s pretty tough to argue with the fact that London is as important as claimed. It’s often referred to as the capital of Europe, which is hard to disagree with in a sheer recognition sense. Alongside all this importance in general, London is especially vibrant in a historical sense. If you like to touch on the past with your travels, […]

August 31, 2017 4:12 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

Written by Nat Smith, community member. Rover is the nation’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers. Each time you jet to a new destination, you’re on a unique, unforgettable adventure. Wouldn’t you like your pet to experience the same thing while you’re away? Kennels and other one-size-fits-all approaches to pet care are not always ideal. They may not give your pet enough attention, or even turn her away because of breed, size, or temperament. So how do you find a caregiver as sweet, kind, and loving as your four-legged friend? That’s where comes in. Built as a supportive community for […]

April 17, 2017 7:01 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

Florence’s pretty streets are giving the shoppers who usually head straight for Milan another gorgeous fashion location to consider. Florence does the classic styles as beautifully as the rest of Italy and the combination of this elegance with fine art, medieval architecture and world class food make it a destination of choice for many discerning tourists. Florence is also becoming much more of a trend setting city. The influx of young fashion forward designers including those for wedding dresses and concept stores are making the capital of Tuscany a tempting base for the industry’s future makers. Bespoke clothing shops, innovative boutiques, a strong artisan community […]

March 6, 2017 4:22 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

As I spent the entire winter in gorgeous Poland this year, I thought I would compile some of my best Winter travel ideas for you all. It’s a time of year often overlooked by travellers as lots of people prefer to go sun seeking and searching for warm beaches. Step aside for a moment – winter is a brilliant time to travel! Here are my top 4 winter destinations! 1. Poland Poland has gorgeous winters. Snow capped mountains, cities covered in snow with cosy wine bars offering excellent “Grzane Piwo” (hot beer) or “Grzane Wino” (hot wine). Plus it’s a country with four seasons so […]

February 21, 2017 6:33 pm    |    by Jonny Blair

There used to be a day when people actually looked forward to traveling. Sure, the end destination was always lovely once you go there, but the journey itself was actually part of the fun as well. Recent years have seen quite the change in this regard, to the point that the process is often looked upon with dread and trepidation. It does not have to be like that, however, if you consider some of the following ways to make traveling enjoyable again. Choose Your Seat Wisely It is no secret that flights today have become increasingly crowded. Over time, either we all have expanded, or […]